Are you evaluating a CDP purchase and feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of options? Are you questioning whether your business is truly CDP-ready? Or perhaps you’ve already invested in a CDP and aren’t seeing the results you expected.
Our 3-week assessment program will remove the guesswork and help you make a confident, informed decision about your CDP investment.
Get me Started !This is often because they embark on a CDP journey without answering critical questions such as:
Our tailored evaluation will:
A comprehensive solution architecture tailored to integrate seamlessly with your existing marketing technology.
Insightful analysis and actionable recommendations to address your unique business needs.
An evaluation of your current CDP maturity level with clear recommendations for advancement.
A strategic roadmap detailing the steps and timelines for a successful CDP implementation.
Expert advice on whether to build, buy, or enhance your CDP based on your specific requirements and goals.
We follow a 3-step approach to CDP readiness evaluation which is completed in 3-week duration. We consider 50+ evaluation dimensions to understand client readiness and help in prioritization, expectation setting, and acceptance criterion.
CX Channel assessment
Digital Maturity Assessment
CX Assessment Mobile App
Deliverables & Recommendation
Existing Martech
Data ecosystem
Need & focus areas
Key Journeys and MVP
3-week Status report
Key Journeys and MVP
Schema & Cohorts
Value drivers
Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Sign up for our CDP Readiness Program today and make an informed decision that will drive your business forward.